Professional Development and Affiliation

Dog trainers are constant, hungry learners but being a dog trainer isn’t easy. We love what we do, but it takes enormous commitment to continually evolve and take on board the latest research and implement it in our teaching.

We research, we ask questions, we test out theories, we discuss the whys and wherefores and we adapt our approach for the welfare of the dogs in our care. To be complacent in our industry would be be to lose sight of our goal - to use the vital information we have available to us in order to help dogs adapt to our human world.

I am proudly and continuously learning from professional organisations, online/in-person courses, other trainers and behaviourists (local, national and international!) and through my own research. Below is a snapshot of my professional development and the organisations and institutions that I am a member of - they share the same ethos and values as I do and I am proud to align with them and support their proactive efforts to make dogs’ lives happy and enriched.