Terms and Conditions

Updated May 2022

This is the boring bit.... lots of words that all sound quite serious! However, it is important that you read through this document and then we can get on to the fun stuff! Please note that payment for services also implies full agreement with these Terms and Conditions.

Dogs are living creatures and their behaviours naturally change over time due to factors such as age and changes in their environment. Any guarantee in these Terms and Conditions cannot circumvent these factors.

Training and Handling Method

The training techniques used by Reset K9 Training are wholly based on the principles of positive reinforcement and, as such, are kind, fair and reward-based. Harsh handling of dogs, physical force and the use of punitive methods/punishment/corrections or equipment designed to be aversive (including choke chains, check chains, prong collars, spray collars, spray bottles, e-collars or any other device deemed unacceptable by the trainer) are not permitted in training sessions and should not be used in training your dog. 


  1. Agreement means the quotation, acceptance and the following Terms and Conditions.

  2. Work or works means behaviour consultation, training, handouts, written report, behaviour program, training program created by Reset K9 Training. It may also describe other services such as administrative, training meetings and other tasks which are necessary in the creation of the program.

  3. Reset K9 Training means Reset K9 Training and it can also extend to Sandra Kashi.

  4. The Client means the individual who requested the work.

  5. Amendments means any alteration to the work.

Entire Agreement

  1. These Terms and Conditions apply to all sales and services by Sandra Kashi and Reset K9 Training.

  2. They reserve the right to update these Terms and Conditions at any time by notice and with immediate effect.

  3. These Terms and Conditions shall prevail over all Terms and Conditions of your customary practice or any previous course of dealings the Client has had with Reset K9 Training.

  4. These Terms and Conditions apply to all work created by Reset K9 Training. Work, services or products are only supplied in strict accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

  5. These Terms and Conditions shall be subject to English Law.

  6. The contents contained in the quotation (verbal or written) and these Terms and Conditions form the agreement between Reset K9 Training and the Client relating to the work, no variation on them will be binding to Reset K9 Training unless it is agreed in writing and signed by Reset K9 Training (Sandra Kashi).

  7. Each clause of this Agreement is independent and operates separately in its own right.

  8. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions your statutory rights are not affected.

  9. Should Reset K9 Training decide to waive any of these terms on an individual basis, this shall not affect the validity of remaining clauses or commit Reset K9 Training to waive the same clause on any other occasion.

  10. Any alterations or variations of these Terms and Conditions shall be inapplicable unless agreed in writing by all parties concerned before commencement of any work.

  11. Ordering services or using work created by Reset K9 Training is automatically agreeing to these Terms and Conditions.

  12. This contract shall be governed by the laws of England and both parties shall submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.


  1. Reset K9 Training shall create the agreed work for the use of the Client. The Client may use the work or works only in its original form and only for its original use for the animal named and described within the work.

  2. Behaviour work cannot be guaranteed with any animal. Your dog’s progress is down to you, the dog’s caregiver, being proactive and working on the training as advised to see real life results.

  3. Reset K9 Training shall create a behaviour and training programme to the specifications of the issues assessed at the first training session and will make amendments to the training and behaviour programme accordingly.

  4. The training and behaviour programme is specific to the dog(s) that the programme has been designed for and should not be used in part or whole with any third party.

  5. The Client shall agree not to sell, destroy, deface, alter or part with work created by Reset K9 Training or permit it to be given or done so by any third party

Payments, Cancellations and Refunds


  1. The Client shall pay Reset K9 Training the full price of the service at least 48 hours before the first paid training session.

  2. Reset K9 Training expects payment in full by electronic bank transfer.

  3. All quotes and tenders are valid for a period of thirty days.

  4. Work created by Reset K9 Training is charged to the client at the agreed amount.

  5. Deadlines set in the agreement will not affect Reset K9 Training’s right to be paid.

  6. Interest will be charged per day on all payments received outside of payment terms at the rate of eight per cent above the Bank of England Base Rate as applicable on the previous 31 December or 30 June whichever is the most recent.

  7. Whilst outstanding payment is due Reset K9 Training reserves the right to withhold the designs, services or goods.

  8. Any payment returned by the bank or card company will incur £10 admin charge as well as any charges made by the bank.

  9. In case collection proves necessary, the Client agrees to pay all fees (including all legal fees and court costs) incurred by that process. If for any reason whatsoever Reset K9 Training is unable to provide an agreed product or service in accordance with these Terms and Conditions our liability shall be limited in its entirety to a proportional refund of any fees paid by you for the service or product.

  10. All administrative fees to third parties and the time taken to organise will be charged to the Client irrespective of any quoted amount set out in the quotation with its specifications.

  11. By booking, the Client will agree to keep the date and time of the consultations.

  12. Reset K9 Training will issue and send an invoice and send the Client a receipt when payment is made in full or first payment is received.

Cancellations and Refunds

  1. Reset K9 Training reserves the right to cancel or change an appointment at any time by notice with immediate effect, without cause. 

  2. We do not offer refunds for cancellations or missed classes/workshops. The only exceptions are serious illness or death in the family. With less than 48 hours’ notice, there will be no refunds or discounts on re-arranged sessions, except in exceptional circumstances, in which case any (partial) refund will be made at the sole discretion of Reset K9 Training. 

  3. The Puppy Programme of visits must all take place within a three-month period or any unused sessions will be forfeited, except in exceptional circumstances, in which case they may be refunded or re-arranged at the sole discretion of Reset K9 Training. 

  4. The trainer will apply personal judgement and may have to cancel or cut short a session, if necessary, because of extreme weather conditions/illness/emergency; including, but not limited to: excessive heat, torrential rain, thunderstorms and snow/ice. The decision to do so lies with the judgement of the trainer, for the safety of themselves, members of the public, other animals and that of the recipient. The trainer will make every effort to reschedule your session to another mutually convenient time. If this is not possible, we will refund you for the cost of that particular session. 

  5.  If changes to the date and/or time need to be altered by the Client, then 48 hours notice will need to be given, otherwise a re-arrangement charge of £20 will be incurred on top of the existing consultation fee.

  6. Reset K9 Training reserves the right to cancel the session (at any time and with immediate effect) if any dog/s in the session do not respond well to the plan and/or other dogs (where the continuing of said session is deemed, by Reset K9 Training, to constitute a risk).

  7. If work is cancelled by the Client, the Client shall reimburse Reset K9 Training for any and all losses arising. In the event that work is cancelled, ownership of the work remains the property of Reset K9 Training and the Client is not authorised to use any part of the work.

  8. Ownership of the work shall not pass to the Client until all charges have been paid in full.

  9. All work created by Reset K9 Training for the Client is to be used for the sole purpose for which it was created. The Client does not have the right to resell work created by Reset K9 Training or repurpose it without written consent from Reset K9 Training.

  10. Reset K9 Training is entitled to assign any or all of its rights and obligations included in this agreement to third parties.

  11. Reset K9 Training will not be responsible for the creation of work which in any way contravene any existing Legislation and in particular the Trade Description Act 1968 and the Consumer Credit Act 1974.

  12. Reset K9 Training reserves the right to refuse to provide service or create work at its own discretion.

  13. Reset K9 Training cannot always guarantee to start work immediately.

  14. If no timescale has been agreed for a service Reset K9 Training will not be responsible for any losses to the Client if a deadline is not met.

  15. Once the work meets the terms of the quotation with its specifications any modifications to the work will be considered an amendment to the contract and charged accordingly.

  16. Amendments to programmes and training/classes may incur an additional charge beyond that of the original invoice.

  17. All amendments must be agreed by both Reset K9 Training and the Client.

  18. Amendments may exceed original deadlines agreed by Reset K9 Training and the Client.

  19. Behaviour and training programmes are completed within the agreed timescale – this is confirmed at time of booking.


Reset K9 Training may, by written notice, terminate any agreement at its discretion:

  • If the Client fails to pay an invoice which has become overdue.

  • If the Client breaches any of the terms of the agreement.

  • If Reset K9 Training discovers that the Client’s use of work produced is unethical, misleading or morally corrupt.

  • If the Client’s use is in any way harmful to Reset K9 Training or its reputation.

  • The Client may cancel the agreement at any time but may be invoiced up to the full amount quoted based on the degree to which the work has been completed and on the extent to which time has been allocated to the project that cannot be effectively used to generate revenue that would be otherwise lost.

  • A service will be deemed as cancelled if there is more than 30 days from the first training or consultation.

  • No refunds will be issued.

Training and Handling Methods

The training techniques used by Reset K9 Training are based on the principles of positive reinforcement and, as such, are kind, fair and reward-based. Harsh handling of dogs, physical force and the use of punitive methods/ punishment/ corrections or equipment designed to be aversive (including choke chains, check chains, prong collars, spray collars, e-collars or any other device deemed unacceptable by the trainer) are not permitted in training sessions and should not be used in training your dog. 

Please make us aware in confidence if previous training has consisted of any of these methods so that we may reassure you and advise how to proceed.

If you are unsure whether you are using a banned item or would like further information on why these items are banned, please get in touch for a chat.

Health and Vaccination

All dogs and puppies should be suitably protected from the potential risk of disease, as well as being appropriately treated for internal and external parasites. Reset K9 Training advises that owners should consult their veterinary professional with regard to such issues. There can be no guarantee that there is absolutely no risk of disease at any venue or when in contact with any other dogs or materials, such as toys, which may have been in contact with other dogs. It is the owner/ handler’s responsibility to ensure that their dog is appropriately protected against the risk of disease: Reset K9 Training accepts no responsibility for the potential or actual exposure of dogs to disease. If an owner chooses not to routinely vaccinate their dog/ puppy (for example because they are choosing titre testing or using homeopathic nosodes), this is entirely the choice of the owner and is a decision made at their own risk.

Please inform us if your female dog comes into season.

By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you are accepting full responsibility for the protection of your dog from the risk of disease. Please advise us in advance of the session if your dog has been in contact with another dog infected by a contagious disease or if they appear to be unwell (e.g. vomiting, diarrhoea, coughing, runny nose etc). Depending on the issue, it may be advisable for the session to be cancelled or re-arranged. If your dog has any known allergies or intolerances to certain foods or has any other special needs, it is your responsibility to bring this to the attention of the trainer prior to the start of the session, and provide appropriate alternative treats etc.


Dogs must be always kept under control during sessions. Failure to do so and any injury caused by your dog being out of control will be your full responsibility.
Any instances of accident or injury must be reported to the trainer at the time they occurred. All dogs must be kept safe and it is the responsibility of the owner to ensure the safety of others (other animals and people) with regard to your dog’s behaviour at all times. Flexi leads (extending leads) are not permitted in training sessions in order to avoid injury. For home visits, please arrange for your dog to be in another safe room (without access to the front door) when your trainer first arrives – we are happy to wait while you do this! We will advise you as to when (and how) it would be most appropriate to bring the dog into the room to be introduced to us. If you feel that this arrangement is not suitable for your dog for any reason, please just get in touch and we can discuss the best option for you and your dog.

In some cases Reset K9 Training may use demo dogs to aid training. You will be asked by your trainer to follow safety instructions and you are responsible for keeping your dog a sufficient and safe distance from the demo dog. Your dog may need to wear a muzzle during these sessions - this is judged on an individual basis. However, all dogs that are known to bite other dogs or cause injury will need to wear a muzzle. We take no responsibility for dogs who are not muzzled or kept under control, during our session or when working outside of our session. Failure to wear a muzzle when asked may result in termination of your support.

Handlers and/or owners remain responsible for their dogs at all times and are advised to ensure they have adequate pet or household insurance cover for liability in the unlikely event of damage or injury caused by their dog to property or to a third party.


If we are visiting your home, please make a parking place available if possible. If not, and there is on-street parking which requires a visitor permit, please have a visitor permit ready for our use when we arrive. If parking at your home (or other venue at which we have arranged to meet) requires payment, please could you kindly make arrangements for this. 


Children are very welcome to attend training sessions, with appropriate adult supervision. We accept no responsibility for children at training sessions and it is the responsibility of the supervising adult to ensure the children’s safety at all times. Young people under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

Reset K9 Training’s Liability

  1. Reset K9 Training shall have no liability under any circumstance whatsoever to the Client for financial loss or loss of profit.

  2. Reset K9 Training will not be held responsible under any circumstances whatsoever to the Client for a lack of time, effort and circumstances from the work. In no event will Reset K9 Training be liable to the Client or any third party for damages or losses.

  3. Reset K9 Training will not be liable for any loss, injury or liability to the Client. 


Reset K9 Training’s preferred method of communication is by phone and email, but may also use WhatsApp, Text and Video Messaging services. However, documents can be sent by traditional post, if no email address is available, and this will incur a postal fee to send through reports to the Client at the current postal rate and packaging.

Reset K9 Training shall not be held responsible for spelling mistakes or typing errors to any documents. Signatures are not required to start a contract; verbal communication, email or other exchanges are legally binding.


All material, both text and images included in documents are the property of Reset K9 Training.

Reset K9 Training holds copyright of all work created.


The information and any treatment suggested consists of Reset K9 Training’s personal views and are based on the information given to Reset K9 Training by the Client or person responsible for the animal(s) and or Reset K9 Training’s own conclusions resulting from personally gained evidence of the animal and the related behavioural problem.

Treatment plans, for the most part, will not be successful overnight. This requires a good deal of patience and consistency. Reset K9 Training cannot guarantee that this will work, as each animal is an individual case, nor is it possible to foresee if another problem may arise as a result of the treatment. All programmes are specific to a certain animal and should not be tried on any other pet, only the animal who is the focus of the programme.

Reset K9 Training encourages the Client to contact their veterinary surgeon prior to putting the actions into effect, if they are concerned. By booking one of Reset K9 Training’s services, you are agreeing to these Terms and Conditions. Once booked and paid for, there is no refund available.


We make every effort to ensure the safety of both Client and dogs during One to One sessions. However, by making a booking with us, you are accepting that participating in an activity with dogs, children and adults poses a risk of injury to yourself and your dog, and you agree to indemnify Reset K9 Training for all personal injury and damage to property while attending training sessions. You agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries or damages, known or unknown, which might occur as a result of your dog attending such sessions. You also agree to make any person who accompanies you to the session(s), or takes your place, aware that they are also there at their own risk. You understand and accept that your dog (and its behaviour) remains entirely your responsibility at all times, whether or not in the presence of the trainer/ behaviourist.